The app is much better than name makes it sound. It does a great job of acting like a scanner, letting you take pictures, trim them, and turn them into a PDF. Doing business while traveling, its been a lifesaver.
The app is much better than name makes it sound. It does a great job of acting like a scanner, letting you take pictures, trim them, and turn them into a PDF. Doing business while traveling, its been a lifesaver.
Its a great QR code scanner, plus barcodes and takes from images and can batch any of it. Also, now has a sudoku scanner option to play the game on your phone!
This app is pretty good
Very good for sending private messages that even if intercepted cant be cracked.
Great ability to note potential numbers. Has other uses.
Does an easy job at scanning and so much more. Great support too.
Very helpful. I use at work and the app works with 95% of the parts I use it on. The only time it doesnt work, is when I scan a UID against a stainless steel background.
Ive tried many common items and the application does not find them - very frustrating. Its easier to just search the item on line. This product adds no value; however, I was hopeful and gave it a good try.
Hi if you see this then hi
I have tested many readers and this by far is one of the best.
I was in the store trying to check on a product and it kept crashing!!! Very frustrating!!
Its wonderfull app but it collaps every time scan
This scanner works just fine, but it is just annoying to use (items dont automatically come up when scanned)
Why does it keep crashing?
Recently, the app was in an update, then it went dark. I cant delete it in order to reinstall.
Not keeping up with upgrades of iOS and will not load.
It is so incredible you have to get it plz get it
Ever since the most recent upgrade its not possible to create multiple pages within one PDF. The app crashes when attempting to do so, forcing the user to scan and save one page at a time, not very functional.
Love this app its in amazing way to promote your product
The app has been in a constant state of "frozen" on my phone since the end of August. Wont update and I cannot delete it. Find another app.