手持ちのiPod touchは、バーコードの接写に向いてなさそう(=インカメラのみのため)だったので、 ①普段使っているスマホで、バーコードを写真に撮る→②LINEで送る→③インストールしたアプリの、Code scannerの∨をタップ→④Scan from Photosから該当の写真を読み込ませる で、上手くいきました。
okumuyor !
İse yariyor
Perfect app. Specially b card reader works good and properly, nice done!
It doesnt work. Closing suddenly
Cery good app
Simple to use and very intuitive app.
links will open with some embedded web browser, not in safari
Works really nice but Aztec code support needed
Solid and versatile QR app.
The best for iPhone!
Thank U very much. Good work even with adv.
Very good and useful program.
Stopped working all of a sudden. Shuts down when I try to start it up and it wont scan a qr code properly anymore. Shuts down when I try to scan anything.
Since the update, this app quit working.
I have stuck with this app ever since 2011 and its only gotten better. The new UI is fantastic and sleek. For those who have problems changing modes try swiping left and right.
Its pretty good
Collapse After scanning every time!!